Text: Kumdo in its current form as a sport was developed in Japan, where it is called Kendo. The valid target areas are the forehead, throat, wrists, sides and belly. The object is to strike, shout the name of the target area, and stomp on the mat simultaneously. Doug's class was held for an hour every morning, and he went whenever possible for five months. He came home with two split-bamboo swords, which he named Bang and Ow. |
Background Paper: Daphne natural lightweight from Daniel SmithPens: Zig Writer blue and brown, Micron black (01)I designed the title from a sticker that the teacher gave us. I scanned the certificate, shrunk it, and printed it on acid-free paper. The really great thing about the daphne paper is that it's so thin, but strong and smooth enough to write on. I drew some guidelines on another piece of paper, put it under the daphne paper, and they showed through just fine. |